Monday, November 9, 2015

Catalina State Park, AZ, Day 2

The Catalina Mountains
Monday, November 9, 2015, Catalina State Park, AZ, Day 2, 0 Miles, 3212.7 Miles for the Trip

I started the day with a 45 minute walk around the campground. Other than pop ups, I'm the smallest trailer here. After breakfast I drove to Tucson Camera Repair to drop off my D800 to have the sensor cleaned. I had a number of small oil spots that showed up when ever I shot at under f: 16, as well as a small streak. I haven't had much luck cleaning it myself - I manage to do OK on the D700, but the smaller pixels on the D800 are tough. I went for the less expensive overnight cleaning so I'll pick it up tomorrow.

That was about it for the day. I did stop at Whole Foods on the way back to the campground. They do have some different & interesting food; I tried to pick up some crackers that I had at my daughter Karin's, however I never found them.

The rest of the day was spent catching up reading forums, web pages, and reading. Finished From a Buick 8, not one of Stephen King's best. I took a break to take a panorama of the Catalina Mountains that form a backdrop for the campground.

Dinner was a grilled chicken sandwich & a Knorr's Alfredo Side. Why is it they insist on too much water & milk to make their rice & pasta sides? It might be that microwaving eats up more liquid, but if you cook them on stove top, you can cut out 1/4 cup of liquid and still end up with soup.

Until Next Time -

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