In case you haven't figured it out by now, a big reason for my travels is to take photographs. I love photographing water, particularly waterfalls, landscape in general, and, at least on my last trip, grist mills. Although there is plenty here in Oswego county to photograph, I often get the urge to see some variation in altitude. Although the highest point in the county is 1550', that is at the Tug Hill Plateau. Most of the county is only a little above Lake Ontario level at around 244'. Compared to Colorado, where there are 53 mountains over 14,000' high, we are kinda flat! Of course, Colorado doesn't have Lake Ontario. I have friends that live in Leadville, CO (at 10,000') & have offered to give them half the lake for one 14er. Seems like a good deal for both of us!
Of course what we call mountains don't quite compare to those of the Rockies, but there are some beautiful variations in altitude in the Adirondacks. My plan is to visit as many interesting places to take pictures as possible.
More the next time!
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