Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Trip to the Algonac (Lockport) Rally & the Niagara Wine Escape Rally, Day 8

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Dalewood Conservation Area, St Thomas, Ontario, Canada - 83 Miles, 457.8 Miles for the trip.

Another cool night at 50°F; the electric heater ran more than the previous night. I packed up the trailer after breakfast, then sat around for a bit since we were only going 83 miles so no hurry to leave.

The border crossing went fine although there was a long wait for someone ahead of the Guidos at the bridge payment booth. Just the usual 30 second, 3 questions at the border. We drove most of the way on the QE 402.

I'm in site 71, and the Guidos in 70. Both are water & 30 amp electric on grass. Not all that level needing 1 1/2" side to side and the nose is 1" too high, but not enough out that I didn't bother unhooking. $74.00 Canadian or $55.15 US for the night.

It warmed up enough for shorts, but started to cool out of the sun as evening approached.

Me in Site 71

The Guidos in Site 70

Dinner was a Savory Brown Sugar Pork Loin, Mac & Cheese & Apricots.

Until Tomorrow - 

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