Day 134, Sunday, March 2, 2025, Three Rivers State Park, Sneads, FL, Day 4 - 0 Miles, 3,955 Miles for the Trip
I did, along with 2,800 others, arrive at the correct answer to the Sunday morning Weekend Edition puzzle. Like I mentioned last Sunday, it was an easy one. I didn't do as well with the on air puzzle and have no idea on the answer to the one they presented for next week.
Some kind of front must have moved through since it was still 50°F when I went for my morning walk, cooler than the last couple of days. By 2:30 it was still only 61°F, but lots of sunshine.
After breakfast I did my usual forum & journal reading, then set up reminders for making reservations for some planned future trips. Since different states have different "earliest reservation dates" ranging from as little as 3 months ahead to over a year, I put reminders in my calendar to let me know when I can make a reservation. I do miss the old days when you could always find an open site, but while I have found open sites at most state parks during the week, many weekends are booked solid.
After lunch I made my usual Sunday phone calls. While I didn't reach Karin, everyone else is doing OK. Eventually, I reached Karin just before dinner.
Around 3:00 I made a quick trip to Piggly Wiggle, the local grocery store. While large, a somewhat limited stock. I was hoping to get some Corn Toasties, but they didn't have them or any English muffins. I did pick up a Boston Market Chicken Pot Pie, the best frozen pot pie I've found.
Still only 61°F outside and a light breeze, enough to make it uncomfortable sitting out, so I read inside.
Dinner was a Boston Market Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo bowl.
Until Next Time -