Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Short Trip to Delta Lake State Park, Rome, NY, Day 3

 Another slow day, but  more pleasent that the last two at 74°F and low humidity.  Still hot sitting in the sun so we sat under the Guido's awning.  Inside the Clam was too hot, even with a fan. We did get out for a bit of the afternoon.  Went to Pixey Falls State Park about 12 miles north of Delta Lake on NY 46.

A short but steep hike down to the falls.  There are signs saying "No Swimming", but of course there were kids doing their best to wreak my photos.  Here are a few:

The last image is of a small falls on the path to the viewing point for Pixey Falls.

After that we packed up some of the stuff that we didn't need out getting ready for leaving tomorrow.

Dinner was Anne's Chicken Alfredo and pickled beets.  After dinner we even made a campfire with the wood that the last camper left at the Guido site.

Until Tomorrow - 

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