Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Short Trip to Delta Lake State Park, Rome, NY, Day 4

 We packed up after sitting around for a couple of hours in the morning.  We both headed to the dump station at the same time - there are 3 stations at the location & no one other than us was there.

After that it was the short trip (72 miles this time) back to Oswego.  A slightly different route back that added a couple of miles to the drive & an exciting panic stop in Rome - some guy in a pick up pulled out of a shopping center right in front of me.  

At home I emptied the refrigerator, but left most of the stuff that I didn't use every day in the trailer since we are heading to Canada & the Bolerama in two weeks.

Dinner was a Maria Callender's Sweet & Sour Chicken bowl with a hand full of fresh peas from the garden thrown in.

Until Then - 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Short Trip to Delta Lake State Park, Rome, NY, Day 3

 Another slow day, but  more pleasent that the last two at 74°F and low humidity.  Still hot sitting in the sun so we sat under the Guido's awning.  Inside the Clam was too hot, even with a fan. We did get out for a bit of the afternoon.  Went to Pixey Falls State Park about 12 miles north of Delta Lake on NY 46.

A short but steep hike down to the falls.  There are signs saying "No Swimming", but of course there were kids doing their best to wreak my photos.  Here are a few:

The last image is of a small falls on the path to the viewing point for Pixey Falls.

After that we packed up some of the stuff that we didn't need out getting ready for leaving tomorrow.

Dinner was Anne's Chicken Alfredo and pickled beets.  After dinner we even made a campfire with the wood that the last camper left at the Guido site.

Until Tomorrow - 

Monday, June 24, 2024

A Short Trip to Delta Lake State Park, Rome, NY, Day 2

 A short post for a short trip.  Not much happening today.  It rained off and on, mostly off.  I did get out for my morning walk, biut it was almost noon by the time the mist stopped falling,  After that we spent most of the rest of the day sitting in the Clam reading.

Dinner was cheese brats, Bust beans, and left over salads from yesterday.  

Until tomorrow - 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Short Trip to Delta Lake State Park, Rome, NY, Day 1


We  (actually, Anne) decided it was time to take the trailers on a trip.  The plan was to hit a couple of NY campgrounds, but most of them were either filled, ort didn't have spaces left next to each other. She finally found us three days at Delta Lake State Park near Rome, NY.  Since neither of us had been to the park before, we made the reservations.

A shorter drive for me than the Guidos -  69.1 miles for me.  The sites are on grass/dirt and, if it starts to rain, mud.  Level enough that I didn't need to unhook, but I did put the stabilizers down. Twenty bucks per night or $73.25 for three nights with the $7.25 reservation fee for electric only sites.

The Guidos in Site 35

Me in site 37
After setting up I fired up the AC to cool down the trailer - it was 85°F inside when I arrived.  Light rain off & on during the drive.  Thunderstorms are predicted, but right now they are on both sides of us with an outside temperature a humid 80°F.

Guidos brought their Clam and set it up on high ground so we have a place to head for if the bugs or rain gets bad.

Strange internet, at least with AT&T.  19.5Mbps down & 2.4Mbps up with a .35 second ping.  That said, for awhile I couldn't log on to blogger, and web pages took minutes to load.  Then, at least for awhile, it started working like one would expect with the download figures.

I did get to try my WiFi booster - gives me about 4 times the distance that the cell routers provide, although a bit slower because of teh hop through a second router.

We spent the afternoon reading under the Guido awning.  For dinner I set up my new Napoleon Grill and cooked up a bunch of Butterball turkey burgers.  Those, along with some potato salad & a shrimp salad was dinner.  A little before 7:00 it started to rain enough to chase us inside.

Until tomorrow -