Saturday, May 18, 2024

2024 Trip to the Spring Fling, Day 5

Saturday, May 18, 2024 - Chocorua Camping Village KOA, Chocorua, NH - 0 Miles, 417.2 Miles For The Trip

Sorry for the missed posts.  I usually write the daily journal to my web page & copy it to Blogger (here) but being out of practice, forgot for the last couple of days.

Woke up to light rain that continued off & on for much of the morning. Trailer tours went on anyway, and after breakfast at the KOA, Guido & I visited with a number of owners. Saw a Cortez 18' for the first time - well made with lots of nice features, but I'll stick with me Escape 21.

After the trailer tours the Sewer Hose Toss was held. Gave me an excuse to use the multi frame capability of the Nikon Z8 - up to 120 frames per second, although I only shot 6 frames a second.

After the Sewer Hose Toss (probably should be called a Sewer Hose Fling in keeping with the rally name) I headed into the trailer for lunch & a bit of reading. I was going to head to the showers, but will wait until it warms up (if it does). 59°F and light rain.

It never did warm up so I put the shower off until tomorrow. With the rain, we decided to eat in our own trailers, the Guidos having sandwiches & I had an El Monterey Chicken Enchilada Dinner.

Until Tomorrow - 

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