Tuesday, March 4, 2025

2024-25 Trip to the Southeast, Day 136

Day 136, Tuesday, March 4, 2025, Three Rivers State Park, Sneads, FL, Day 6 - 0 Miles, 3,955 Miles for the Trip

A warm morning, 65°F by the time for my morning walk. After breakfast I changed the sheets on the bed & packed up the laundry. 

The first project this morning was to make reservations at Long Beach Conservation Area for September 2 for our trip to the Algonac Rally. I have 2 accounts with niagara.gotocamp.com, the website that deals with their reservations. I started the second when the first stopped working. Today neither worked and "forgot your password?" didn't work for either account. I finally called the park, talked with Mike and made the reservations. I couldn't get one of the sites I wanted because it was in my basket from the attempt to make on line reservations. Eventually, the basket cleared & Mike was able to fix it. I sent an email to the organization that handles their reservation system asking for help either fixing my accounts or eliminating them so I can start over.

So, we have a stop on the way that has 15 amp hookups. The last time we made reservations the website stated both our sites were 15 amp, however in reality, both were the same 15 amp receptacle. The campground attendant insisted that we could both draw 15 amps; we did and popped the breaker in the office. This time they are two separate receptacles so we should be OK to use the AC or electric heaters, which ever, if either, is necessary. 

Went to the Lake Seminole Laundry next door to Piggly Wiggly. Lots of machines, all front loaders. I used a 6 load machine since the 2 load looked too full with even half my laundry basket. $6.00 for a load. Dryers were 8 minutes per quarter; 40 minutes on high dried half a laundry basket load. Clean, with a bathroom, but only 2 carts and the usual uncomfortable wire benches for sitting. 4 small metal & 2 wooden folding tables. 

Back at the trailer I fired up the AC since it hit 80°F in the trailer. While it is 75°F outside, it isn't all that pleasant sitting out because of strong winds. Around 4:00 I headed to the bathrooms for a shower. Still a bit cool from last night, but comfortable.

Dinner was an Innovasian Orange Chicken Bowl.

Until Next Time -

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