Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Zion Revisited, Day 2

Today's Photo - The Zion Valley Viewed From the Emerald Pool Hike From the Grotto

We slept a bit late this morning - blame it on the time change. In any case, we caught the Springdale shuttle at the crack of 10:00AM, transferred to the canyon shuttle in the park & rode to the end of the line at the Sinawava stop. 

The waterfall that was there a month ago is now a drizzle, but the river looks even deeper. They still have the narrows walk closed with a sign at the ranger station stating it will probably open in late June. I did get a picture of Don & Anne at the start of the Narrows Trail.

After that we made our way down the valley stopping at a couple of different trails. Don & Anne went to the Weeping Rock while I waited for them & read my book. We then stopped for lunch at the snack bar at Zion Lodge. After a dry sandwich Don & Anne headed for the Lower Emerald Pool while I decided to hike to the Grotto.

I'm not sure what I expected the Grotto to be, but all it is is a half mile trail to the Grotto bus stop. Once there I decided to take the trail from there to the Lower Emerald Pool & see if I could find Don & Anne. It was a nice walk above the Virgin River, and I met them at the pool. I just sat along the wall & let them walk up to me - they weren't expecting me so it was a bit of a surprise. 

By the time we got back to the Zion Lodge stop we were tiring, so all we did was stop at the Zion Human History Museum, and back to the campground (well, of course we did have to do some food shopping - Hamburgers, Asparagus & Herb Pasta for dinner).

That's about it for the day. After posting this I'll start the hamburgers!

Till Tomorrow!

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