Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wenatchee River County Park, Monitor, WA, Day 3

Tuesday, June 3, 2014, Wenatchee River County Park, Monitor, WA, Day 3 - 0 miles, 9331.4 For the Trip

Not a lot happening today. The Escape 5.0 that has been parked 2 sites down left this morning to spend a couple of days at the Wenatchee Confluence State Park before heading to Osoyoos for the rally next weekend. I'm staying here. I did mail Karin's birthday card. While it isn't until July 5th, mail has a way of taking far longer than the post office suggests when going to Botswana. They said 6 days; we'll see...

I also did laundry. I could have put it off for a couple of days, but that would mean trying to get & use  (and then get rid of) Loonies (the Canadian 2 dollar coin) and I wanted to avoid that. Ended up at a strange operation - they use magnetic cards to pay for the machines, but you don't buy one - they use the card & settle up when you are done. I also got a haircut. We'll see how this one holds up. Still shorter than usual, but much easier to comb.

No photographs today. Dinner was a grilled chicken sandwich, chips (I found a supply of Cape Cod Crinkle Cut chips at Albertsons) and a small salad. I don't know what is going on, but there have been fire engines going by the campground for much of the afternoon. If I was still working Red Cross Disaster Services, I'd probably be following them!

Until tomorrow -

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