Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Patapsco Valley State Park Trip, Day 4

 Patapsco Valley State Park, Tuesday, July 27, Day 2, 0 miles, 397.3 Miles For the Trip

A quiet, but hot day.  At least the humidity broke.  Rather than 95% it is down to 90%  in my outside thermometer sensor (which is in my ladder storage 5" fencepost under the trailer).  That position usually lags behind with humidity changes, so I suspect it was actually lower.

Anne & Guido went to the store to buy "stuff" including a 20" fan to put inside the Clam.  Clams are great for keeping down the bugs, but the "no see em" mesh doesn't let any breeze through.  The fan went in the middle, aimed up and the curve of the top forced the wind down the sides, making it a bit more comfortable. 

Anne's cousin and wife stoped by & we spent the day chatting with them.  Not much else happened.  We did get to see the disadvantage of a large RV.  A 40' or so class A pulled into the site across from the Guido's.  There was no way he could make the turn to back in, and got hung up on my site marker.  We got that around his steps, and Guido moved his van so he could pull the class A into Guido's site to back into  his site.  That was the excitement for the day!

Dinner was a grilled pork loin & Bush beans.

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