Sunday, January 19, 2014

La Paz County Park, AZ, Day 14

Sunday, January 19, 2014, La Paz County Park, AZ, Day 14 - 0 miles 4,878.8 For the Trip

A typical Sunday - read the Syracuse paper on my iPad, played a couple pages of Candy Crush (I'm up to level 29) took my walk around the campground, and relaxed. I was out of milk so I made a run to Parker. Stopped in Walmart, and on impulse, bought a 24" TV. I got tired of setting up my computer to watch TV, even though I hardly ever watch it. Now I have to find a way to mount the TV in the trailer - I'll probably hang it from the cabinets at the foot of the bed, but I'll have to make some hardware to accomplish it. I have to admit it is far easier to just turn on a TV than add all the parts to make the Mac thing it is one.

Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs.

Until tomorrow -