Saturday, September 21, 2024

A Short Trip To Letchworth State Park, Day 3

 Much warmer last night, only down to 60°F and the electric heater didn't run. Richard (Telescopist on the Escape forum) never showed up.  He is either in a different part of the campground or our schedules are mixed up.

A quiet morning.  I walked around the 500 loop for my morning walk  Didn't see Richard's Escape 21, but there was a Casita parked in the loop.  

After breakfast & coffee I spent the rest of the morning sitting at the Guido trailer reading.  Eventually, I decided to head to the park visitor center for a new hat.  My previous Letchworth had mildewed, and nothing I did could get rid of the spots.  As long as I was getting a new hat, I also bought a new "T" shirt.

After that I stopped at Inspiration Point, one of the stops that lets you see the Middle & part of the Upper Falls.  It is a great location to watch the hot air balloons that often fly over the park, but none this afternoon.

Middle Falls

Middle & Upper Falls & the Railroad Bridge

After that it was back to my chair and more reading.  I finished listening to Stephen King's Mr. Mercedes, but because the internet is so slow here was unable to download a new book.  Looks like I'll be listening to either the radio or Sirius XM radio on the drive home tomorrow.

Around 5:00 it started light rain.  Strong thunderstorms were predicted, but so far only distant thunder.  We are planning chicken tacos for dinner, an outside meal, so I hope the rain either holds off or stops before 6:00 or so.

Well, the rain held off so it was chicken tacos for dinner.

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